
Carver-Hill School Staff

Mr. Marcus G Davis (Deceased)
Principal Carver-Hill School 1951-1969

The Carver-Hill School opened it’s doors in 1954 and serviced schoolchildren from kindergarten to high school.  Up until 1962 every black high school student in Okaloosa County had to attend Carver-Hill School.  When the school opened it was staffed with 18 teachers. It was hands-on. The teacher were hands-on. They pushed and pushed students to do their best. “I don’t think I’d be where I am or what I am today if it wasn’t for those teachers”, are common statements made by many Carver-Hill School students.

MEET  THE ORIGINAL 18 TEACHERS 1955- They are (left to right) Mrs. Dorothy Paul (Deceased), Mrs. Lillie M. Covington, Mrs. Jane Bryant, Mrs. Florence Gilmore Hayes,  Mrs. Caroline Baker Allen (Deceased), Mrs. Leona Boyer (Deceased), Mrs. Bessie Gilmore, Mrs. Lucille Hawkins Butler, Mr. Turner Covington, Mr. Samuel Allen, Mr. Rabon Boyer (Deceased),  Mr. Elliott Freeman (Deceased, Mrs. L. Freeman (Deceased), Mrs. Lillian Davis (Deceased), Mrs. Mozelle Thomas (Deceased), Mrs. Mattie Smith Jones, Mr. Marcus G. Davis, Principal (Deceased) and Mrs. Dorothy Ealy (Deceased) 



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Left to Right, Mr. Elliott Freeman, Mrs Caroline Baker Allen, Unknown, Mrs. Florence Gilmore Hayes and Mr. Samuel Allen

Carver-Hill High School Returning Alumni Staff

Carver-Hill Alumni- Dwight Dewitt Baggett (Class 0f 1958), Novella Sylvania Lee Bagget (Class of 1960)